The secrets in the jewellery box!
When I am hired as an appraiser I often hear from clients that their mom, aunt, sister or grandmother never bought or had any good jewellery. Trust me – there are secrets in the jewellery box! Recently I was appraising the contents of a 1 bedroom apartment in the Bathurst and Eglinton area of Toronto. This estate had belonged to an elderly lady who had never been married and had lived on her own most of her life.
In this particular case the lawyer of the estate was also the executor. He had told me that she was never married and only had some minor jewellery in a small jewelry box in the bedroom. After close examination I found several gold & diamond rings, bracelets and necklaces as well as vintage designer costume jewelry. I also found a very expensive gold & platinum wedding band from Tiffany’s!
I know there is definitely some stories located in the jewellery box as well as some valuable items. It is always a good idea to hire an experience appraiser who can find value where others cannot!